Energy Efficient Retrofit Solutions

We provide Turbine Retrofit Solutions for Efficiency improvement

Steam Turbine R&M

Turbine Retrofit

We provide Turbine Retrofit Solutions for Efficiency improvement, Life extension, Operational Flexibility, Re-Engineering & Modernization. Our solutions can address performance deterioration and shortfall in efficiency of machine and help achieve enhance operational reliability. These retrofit solutions can be implemented through complete turbine Shaft Line Replacement in the existing foundation or only by replacement of inner module in HP, IP and LP. This is complimented by high Efficiency turbine blading developed by our promoter GE Power. The optimize solution can be tailor as per customer requirements, and both impulse and reaction technologies can be employed. We also have capabilities to provide individual cylinders solutions under our Component Retrofit programme. Our capabilities for Life Assessment studies, Steam Path Audit provide necessary tools to developed customize solutions suiting each machine set.

Turbine Auxiliaries

We also provide turbine auxiliaries compatible to new solution or independent upgrade including State of the art Governing system, Condensate system, Feed system, Heaters & Extraction system, Lube oil system, HP-LP Bypass system, etc. We also have solid experience in redesigning of critical pipes along with complete stress analysis for hangers & supports requirement.


  • Retrofitting Turbines with new Rotors, Inner Blocks and High-Efficiency Blades for Heat Rate Improvement.
  • Improvement in system response by upgrading the Electronic Turbine Governing System.
  • Improvement of Turbine Cylinders, Rotors and Bearing Pedestal Supports to achieve faster start up.
  • Performance optimization of Condensers and Vacuum Improvement through effective on and off Line Cleaning, Helium Leak Detection etc.
  • Re-Powering with High Efficiency Turbines.

Steam Boiler R&M

We provide Steam Boiler & Auxiliaries Solutions for Life extension, Modernization, Re-Engineering & Upgrade to address performance deterioration including effects of Fuel degradation and shortfall in Operational reliability with implementation of Safety norms ( BMS / FSSS) . We have in house capabilities to carry out complete CFD studies to re-engineer & implement modification to Ducts , Dampers, Expansion joint, etc. Our retrofit solutions bring unparalleled advantages in flexibility, and cyclic load management.


  • System Redesign to meet changes in coal quality and fuel switches by upgrading coal mills and combustion systems.
  • Modernization of Equipment such as Pressure Parts, Air Pre-Heaters, Draft Systems etc., to achieve Higher Efficiency.
  • Reliability Improvements through introduction of Boiler Management System.
  • Engineering Solutions to achieve capability for Cyclic Load Operations, NOx controls.
  • Performance Optimization of Mills and fine-tuning of the Combustion Process.
  • Upgradation of Boiler tubes with higher grade materials

Generator R&M

We provide complete servicing and repairing facilities for both Air/Hydrogen cooled generators using state of art techniques & technology.


  • Total Replacement with new Generator – both Air / Hydrogen cooled
  • Repair / rewind of Generator Rotor.
  • Partial / full rewinds of Generator Stator.
  • Modernization Seals , cooling & sealing systems.
  • RLA & Testing of Generator
  • Implementation of Generator Protection system with state of the art technology

Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) R&M

We provide full range of retrofits to keep your ESP performing at desired particulate emission within the regulatory requirements with reduced power consumption. Our upgrade solutions are the ideal way to extend equipment lifetime, lower emissions and cut maintenance costs.

We offer advance power management and rapping algorithm using our state of art EPIC III control system to achieve desired corona power to effectively control flue gas conditioning challenges.

We also provide Modernization of Ash Handling and Disposal Systems & Installation of Flue Gas Monitoring Systems.

Balance of Plant upgradation (BoP)

We offer Design, Engineering, Supply & Installation of all major BOP equipment to keep your plant running in best optimized state always.


  • Feed Water Heaters viz. HP / LP Heaters.
  • Site Infrastructure works / Facilities development.
  • R&M of HP & LP Piping System / Bypass Valves
  • Civil Construction work
  • Advanced Flexible Sealing system for Rotary Air Preheaters.

Construction Power / Sub Station EPC Works

We offer design, engineering, supply & installation of all kind of sub station packages of range upto 33KV for both new and retrofit applications on EPC basis.

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